Are you a teacher in Prescott?
Through an intergovernmental agreement, the City of Prescott Recreation Services and the Community Nature Center are providing free programming for Prescott Unified School District teachers & students. All schools, teachers, and students are welcome at the Community Nature Center and we are excited to help you plan a safe & healthy learning adventure.
We know things have been hard and we are here to help.

What programs are available?
Any time, any day, any length. We can help you teach your regular lesson outside, or we can create a lesson or program for you and you just show up. 1 hour to a whole morning or afternoon. If you'd like to have a routine, feel free to book a regular time (ex. Thursday afternoons).*
Always standards-based. We can do from STEM to STREAMS, letters, base tens, graphs & charts, angles, domain-specific vocab, shapes, story structure, evidence-based writing, journaling, character analysis, AZ/Prescott history, civics, research projects, visual & performing arts, on and on. We've read the standards. Have an standard that just isn't sticking? Want it covered in a hands-on and fun way? Let's get creative together and figure out how we can best support you.
Always there for you. While you teach outdoors, we can help gather, socially distance, and support your students while you lead the lesson. We also have an outdoor classroom and lots of school supplies & nature-based science materials on site for you to use whenever you visit.
*In 2021 we will also start offering a free after-school program for GMS & Abia Judd students. We can host and run activities for GMS and Abia Judd clubs & teams.